How to Become a Member

Eligibility of ColPAA Membership

  • The past graduates as Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy of the  Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo.
  • All the teaching staff members attached to the Faculty of Medicine involved in teaching for physiotherapy students.

Categories of Membership

  • Ordinary Membership
  • Life membership
  • Honorary Membership

Ordinary Membership

All graduates as Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo shall be Ordinary members and shall be liable to pay the subscription. Those who wish to renew their ordinary membership should pay the annual fee as may be decided from the Executive Committee from time to time and shall renew their membership for the next year before 31st December of the present year.

Life Membership

Any Ordinary member shall be paying a sum of Rs. 5000/- or such other amount as may be fixed by the Executive Committee from time to time to the Association become a Life Member and be thereafter exempt from payment of annual subscriptions and shall be deemed to have paid all subscriptions and shall be entitled to enjoy all the rights and privileges of a member including the right of voting.

Honorary Membership

It shall be competent for the Association to resolve at an Annual General Meeting to confer the privileges of Honorary Membership on any person who is,

  • A permanent academic staff member of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo for more than five years
  • In recognition of distinguished or special services rendered to the Association.
  • a permanent administrative or non-academic staff member of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo for more than ten years.
No such Honorary Member shall be liable to pay subscription to the Association. Such member shall be entitled to enjoy all the rights and privileges of a member except for right of voting. The Executive Committee shall have full authority in deciding when and where to revoke or suspend the Honorary Membership of such person. A maximum of two new opportunities will be opened for Honorary Memberships annually.

Being a Member

Find out details

• Know what the Colombo Physiotherapy Alumni association is all about.
• Know if you are eligible.
• Know your membership category.
• Know the ColPAA constitution and declaration for its members.

Application and Verification

Every application sent to the secretary by an applicant for the ordinary membership shall be consisted of the,

I. Fill membership google form or hard copy.
II. Certified true copy of the Degree Certificate/Transcript.
III. Certified true copy of the National Identity Card / Passport / Driving license.

Online google form fill and submit us or a hard copy can be collected from the secretary. For more details, reach secretory at [email protected], ..

Google form link


• After confirming for the membership shall pay the subscription.
• See the fee structure. Should you need further clarifications, contact +94 713385685 ( Mr. Akila Wickrama Arachchi -Treasurer 2021-2022).
• Select payment method.
• Make the payment (if renewal, please adhere to the given payment timelines).


• Once the verification process has been completed, you will receive your unique membership number and ColPAA website member account detais via email.
• Enjoy a range of membership benefits.

Download this document here for payment details..

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