About Colombo Physiotherapy Alumni Association


To engage and connect the alumni locally, nationally and around the globe in support of the mission, while creating sustainable lifelong connections to the faculty and to each other.


To create a lifelong and worldwide community of alumni through increased opportunities for meaningful engagement in order to increase awareness, pride, participation, volunteer involvement, and philanthropic commitment to Bachelor of Physiotherapy, University of Colombo.

ColPAA Logo

ColPAA Logo

Objectives of the Association

♦ To ensure the maintenance of the honour and independence of its members.
♦ To encourage, foster and promote close relations and co-operation between the University and its alumni.
♦ To promote the interest of the alumni body in the affairs of the University.
♦ To assist the alumni in promoting the general interest and well-being of the University.
♦ To ensure that alumni programmes are initiated and developed for the benefit of the alumni.
♦ To assist and support the effort of the University/ Department in obtaining funds for its development.
♦ To provide a medium through which alumni may support and advance the pursuit of academic excellence at the University.
♦ To provide and disseminate information regarding the University, its faculties, departments, staff, graduates, diplomats and students to the alumni.
♦ To express opinions and act as suitable on issues of relevance to the University, the members of the Association, and national interest.
♦ To establish a mentoring programme for current students of the B.Sc. Physiotherapy degree programme who enter the Faculty from the 1st term of the 1st Academic year.
♦ To establish financial/essentials academic, clinical material assistance scheme through scholarships to undergraduates who are not paid by a government or non-governmental organization.
♦ To collaboratively work with other professional bodies in favour of enhancing profession.
♦ To ensure the maintenance of standards of professional conduct by the promotion of honourable practice , prevention of malpractice and other conduct unworthy of physiotherapists, the settlement of disputed points of practice.
♦ To consider all questions affecting interests of the profession and if need be, making of representation.
♦ To perform any other acts for or conductive or incidental to the carrying out of the foregoing objects.

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